Practice Areas
Bankruptcy and Debt Relief

Bankruptcy - Free Consultation by Peter M. Iascone
There are many reasons for financial difficulties, such as loss of a job, reduction in pay, illness or death of the breadwinner or too many credit card purchases that got out of hand. Money problems can be emotionally wrenching and seriously damage family relations.
The law helps those who are unable to pay their bills. At the Law Offices of Peter M. Iascone & Associates our experienced attorneys will help you get immediate relief from harassing creditors. If you are experiencing a garnishment of your wages, the law will immediately stop the garnishment and put an end to the case against you. If you are facing foreclosure of your home, the immediate halt of the foreclosure of your home.
Preserve your property
You may need the protection of the bankruptcy laws if you are unable to pay your bills on time. The law will protect you against aggressive bill collectors and preserve as much of your property for you as possible, in most cases all of your property.
At the Law Offices of Attorney Peter M. Iascone, you will be advised about your options to help you make the best of your situation. If you cannot manage your bills, call immediately for a free consultation to learn about your rights and avoid missing advantages that can be lost with the passage of time.
How we can help you
Stop the collection companies from harassing you!
Reasonable rates Legally Eliminate:
- Medical Bills
- 2nd Mortgages
- Bank Loans
- Co-signed Debts
- Taxes
- Other Bills
- Credit Card Debt
- Lawsuits
- Creditor Harassment
- Pay Attachments
- Utility Shut Offs
If your mortgage company is threatening or has begun foreclosure against your property, the law provides immediate relief.
If you have a steady income you can file a Chapter 13 that will compel the mortgage company to stop the foreclosure proceedings immediately and to pay the payments that you are behind along with at least a percentage of your credit cards and loans over a 3 to 5 year period. A Chapter 13 will also discharge the unsecured debt you have. By Federal Law your mortgage company has no alternative but to stop the foreclosure no matter what stage it is in!
You Have A Right to Sue Harassing Debt Collectors Debt collectors must treat you with truth, fairness, dignity, and respect. Period. Any debt collector who crosses the line and abuses you for the collection of a consumer debt can be sued in federal court for damages under a law called the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA).
Debt Collectors Are Prohibited From Doing Lots of Things Threatening lawsuits, garnishment, liens, or arrest for not paying a bill Calling your family, friends, neighbors or employers to collect a debt Leaving abusive phone messages Insulting, yelling or swearing at you Calling your workplace after telling the collector not to call you there Lying, threatening, or otherwise harassing you in any way If you have suffered from any of these abusive bill collection practices, you may be entitled to compensation. We can help any consumer who is currently in collections, or has suffered from collection harassment. Call us today at 855-PeteLaw to speak with an attorney and get a free phone consultation on your case.
What to Do if You’re Abused By a Collector
If you’re contacted by a debt collector, you have a right to dispute the debt either verbally or in writing. If you want to preserve some rights under the FDCPA, you must send a written dispute within 30 days of your receipt of the first “validation notice” from the debt collector. Even if you owe the debt, or you cannot pay, you still have rights under the FDCPA. Most of our clients owe the debt being collected but because of financial circumstances, or a dispute over the goods or services, they cannot pay it. In order to preserve your rights under the law, it’s important for you to keep good records of all of the contacts.
Important Steps You Can Take To Help Your Case:
Don’t let the thought of bankruptcy scare you or make you feel ashamed. Millions of people a year file for bankruptcy and many more should consider filing.
Contact an experienced Rhode Island Bankruptcy Attorney at the Law Offices of Peter M. Iascone. Our attorneys have years of experience in bankruptcy law and are licensed in Rhode Island to practice bankruptcy law. Don’t think of bankruptcy as the end, think of it as the beginning of a fresh financial start. An experienced Rhode Island bankruptcy attorney will analyze your finances and help you determine the best bankruptcy option for your situation. The idea of bankruptcy is stressful, so let an experienced Rhode Island bankruptcy attorney answer your bankruptcy questions. If you live in the Rhode Island area and require an experienced Rhode Island bankruptcy attorney, call us for your free confidential bankruptcy consultation. Remember, our attorneys are experienced bankruptcy lawyers with a mission to guide individuals through the bankruptcy process and help people get out from under excessive debt. Don’t let the complicated Bankruptcy Laws stop you from consulting with an experienced Rhode Island bankruptcy attorney.
Bankruptcy Rhode Island
Are you considering Bankruptcy? While nobody wants to file bankruptcy, circumstances beyond your control often contribute to the financial difficulties that ultimately lead to bankruptcy. For the past 30 years, the bankruptcy lawyers in our office have represented thousands of people who found themselves with excessive debt. Our lawyers are licensed to practice in Rhode Island and have extensive experience representing individuals and businesses in Rhode Island Bankruptcy Courts. Bankruptcy can help you save your home and car, restore your credit, and eliminate your excessive debt. The Rhode Island bankruptcy lawyers in our offices care about your financial needs and are located in the Rhode Island area. Whatever your financial situation, let an experienced Rhode Island bankruptcy lawyer advise you about your bankruptcy options. Call now for your free confidential bankruptcy consultation with one of our lawyers. If you have any questions about bankruptcy or bankruptcy law, and you live in the Rhode Island area; contact the Peter M. Iascone Law Office. Don’t continue to live with excessive debt; consult an experienced Rhode Island bankruptcy lawyer to discuss your financial needs now and in the future.
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Let the Law Offices of Peter M. Iascone & Associates give you the experienced advice you need to make an informed decision